Lawyers in Buffalo NY / Scheduled Loss in a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Scheduled Loss in a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Watch this video as Buffalo Workers Compensation Lawyer Jerry A. Gambino discusses scheduled loss of use and non-scheduled injuries. Download Our Free Workers’ Comp Guide
A scheduled loss of use is typically determined after the person is injured or when they’re post-surgery, whichever is later. Your doctor will take an evaluation of some measurements with a tool, called a goniometer, and record those measurements. In addition, the insurance carrier will likely get their doctor, called an independent medical examiner, also known as IME, to also perform an evaluation, take measurements, and record them. Once those documents are filed, the parties will either try to work something out or litigate the issues. The scheduled loss of use is an award a person gets for the loss of use of that body site, typically a limb, like the arms, legs, digits, things of that nature. That monetary award is supposed to compensate the injured worker for his or her future loss of earning capacity related to that injury for that body site. Download Our Free Workers’ Comp Guide Buffalo Workers Compensation Lawyer Jerry A. Gambino discusses scheduled loss of use and non-scheduled injuries. Learn more about schedule loss of use and what it means for your claim. If you’ve been injured at work, contact our experienced workers compensation attorneys for a consultation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel

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