Lawyers in Buffalo NY / Amicable Divorce

Amicable Divorce

Do you believe that you and your spouse have reached an amicable resolution for divorce? Watch this video by Buffalo Divorce Lawyer Donna L. Haslinger for advice on how an amicable divorce can expedite the process and keep both parties out of court. If you have questions about your divorce matter, please contact us to schedule a consultation. Let our experience work for you.

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  • People often say they have reached an amicable resolution with their spouse regarding their divorce.
  • No court proceedings may have taken place, but couples have discussed houses, children, and other important issues and believe they have reached a resolution, so we prepare an agreement for both sides to sign.
  • In New York State, a lawyer can represent only one spouse and, although it is not considered appropriate for both spouses to meet with one attorney, one spouse can meet with a lawyer and have a property settlement agreement drafted, reviewed by the other spouse, and signed.
  • This cooperative approach, which can expedite matters and keep the couple out of court, still carries a certain amount of cost, along with certain costs involved in finishing the divorce process.
  • New York State requires specific filing fees and there is no way around paying a fee for the divorce; however, costs can be minimized by reaching such a resolution.

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These New Jersey Divorce Lawyers have done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a divorce claim in New Jersey, we recommend you take a look at their website.

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