Category Archives: Estate Planning

How to Protect Your Estate from Probate in New York

How to Protect Your Estate from Probate in New York

The process of estate planning involves numerous steps and considerations to ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes after your death. One crucial aspect of estate planning is protecting your estate from probate, particularly in New York, where the probate process can be lengthy and complex. Probate is the legal […]

Estate Planning Considerations for Same-Sex Couples in New York

Estate Planning Considerations for Same-Sex Couples in New York

For couples in committed relationships, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, navigating the complexities of estate planning is crucial to ensure that their wishes are respected and their loved ones are protected in the event of incapacity or death. Marriage Equality and Its Implications Since the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York in […]

Understanding Intestate Succession: What Happens to an Estate Without a Will

Understanding Intestate Succession: What Happens to an Estate Without a Will

When someone passes away without a will, the distribution of their estate can become a complex and challenging process. Without clear instructions left behind, state laws known as intestacy laws dictate how the deceased’s assets will be distributed among their heirs. In this page, we’ll delve into what happens to an estate without a will, […]

Choosing an Estate Planning Attorney in New York: What to Look For

Choosing an Estate Planning Attorney in New York What to Look For

In the intricate landscape of estate planning, selecting the right attorney can make a significant difference in securing your legacy and protecting your assets. New York, with its unique legal nuances, demands careful consideration when seeking professional guidance in matters of estate planning. Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C., recognizes the importance of this […]

Impact of Changing Residency on Your Estate Plan in New York

South Carolina Bicycle Accident Laws What You Need to Know

In the dynamic landscape of estate planning, individuals often face life changes that prompt them to reconsider their existing plans. One such significant change is a shift in residency. Whether you’re moving to or from New York, understanding the implications on your estate plan is crucial. Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C. is here […]

Avoiding Family Disputes: Strategies for Effective Estate Planning in New York

Avoiding Family Disputes: Strategies for Effective Estate Planning in New York

In the intricate web of familial ties and the complex legal landscape of estate planning, ensuring a smooth transition of assets and wealth to the next generation is a paramount concern. The intricacies of estate planning often go unnoticed until it’s too late, leading to family disputes, legal battles, and financial turmoil. To navigate the […]

Estate Planning for Blended Families in New York: Navigating Complexities

Estate Planning for Blended Families in New York: Navigating Complexities

In the charming town of New York, families come in various forms, and one increasingly common structure is the blended family. These families bring together individuals from different backgrounds, each with their unique histories, assets, and financial obligations. As beautiful as the union of two families can be, it introduces a set of complexities when […]

Estate Planning for High Net Worth Individuals in Niagara County, NY

Estate Planning for High Net Worth Individuals in Niagara County NY

In the picturesque landscapes of Niagara County, New York, high net worth individuals find themselves navigating the complexities of estate planning with a unique set of considerations. The team at Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C. understands the nuanced requirements that come with substantial estates and is well-equipped to guide clients through the intricacies […]

Small Estate Administration: Simplified Procedures in Lancaster, NY

Small Estate Administration: Simplified Procedures in Lancaster, NY

Administering an estate can be a complex and time-consuming process, but in Lancaster, New York, there are simplified procedures in place for small estates. These streamlined processes are designed to ease the burden on heirs and executors when dealing with modest estates, making the probate process more straightforward and efficient. Understanding Small Estate Administration In […]

Real Estate Agents in Wyoming County, NY Why You Need One and FAQs

Real Estate Agents in Wyoming County NY Why You Need One and FAQs

In the dynamic world of real estate, navigating the complexities of transactions, negotiations, and legalities can be a formidable challenge. For real estate agents in Wyoming County, NY, the key to achieving success lies in securing reliable legal support. Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C., emerges as the steadfast ally in this journey, offering […]