Category Archives: Wills Trusts & Estates

Guardianship for Minor Children: Addressing Your Concerns in Your Will in Amherst

Guardianship for Minor Children: Addressing Your Concerns in Your Will in Amherst

Ensuring the well-being and future of your children is a top priority for every parent. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, having a clear and legally binding guardianship plan in place is essential. Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C., based in Amherst, understands the importance of addressing your concerns regarding guardianship for minor children […]

No-Contest Clauses: Can They Prevent Will Challenges in Wyoming County, New York?

No-Contest Clauses Can They Prevent Will Challenges in Wyoming County New York

In the realm of estate planning and will creation, individuals seek to ensure that their final wishes are carried out smoothly and without dispute. Wyoming County, New York, is no exception to the complexities that can arise in the probate process. One legal tool that is often employed to safeguard the integrity of a will […]

Understanding the Basics: What Is a Will and Why Do You Need One in Buffalo, New York?

Understanding the Basics What Is a Will and Why Do You Need One in Buffalo New York

Life is unpredictable, and it’s essential to be prepared for the future, especially when it comes to the distribution of your assets and the well-being of your loved ones. In Buffalo, New York, having a clear and legally binding document known as a “will” is a fundamental step in ensuring your wishes are honored and […]

Avoiding Common Mistakes: Will Drafting Tips in Ellicottville, New York

Avoiding Common Mistakes Will Drafting Tips in Ellicottville New York

Creating a last will and testament is an essential part of estate planning, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. In Ellicottville, New York, as in many other places, the process of will drafting can be complex, and even a small mistake can lead to significant complications for your […]

Handwritten vs. Typewritten Wills: Which is Valid in Niagara County, New York?

Handwritten vs. Typewritten Wills Which is Valid in Niagara County New York

In the realm of estate planning, one crucial decision individuals face is how to formalize their last wishes and distribute their assets. The method chosen to document these intentions holds significant legal implications, especially in jurisdictions like Niagara County, New York. In this article, we’ll delve into the debate surrounding handwritten and typewritten wills, exploring […]

Digital Assets and Your Will in Cattaraugus County: Navigating the Digital Age

Digital Assets and Your Will in Cattaraugus County Navigating the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced, interconnected world, our lives have become increasingly digital. From online banking and social media to email correspondence and digital photos, our digital footprint is constantly expanding. As a result, it’s crucial to consider the treatment of digital assets in your will and estate planning. In Cattaraugus County, this has become an important […]

Updating Your Will: When and How to Make Changes in Genesee County

Updating Your Will When and How to Make Changes in Genesee County

Creating a last will and testament is a crucial step in ensuring that your wishes are carried out after your passing. It’s a legal document that dictates how your assets will be distributed, who will take care of your minor children (if applicable), and even who will manage your estate. But once you’ve created your […]

Special Needs Trusts: Providing for Loved Ones in Springville, New York

Special Needs Trusts Providing for Loved Ones in Springville New York

In the picturesque town of Springville, New York, nestled amid the rolling hills and serene landscapes, families come together to build lives filled with love, care, and a sense of community. However, when it comes to planning for the future, especially for loved ones with special needs, the task can be daunting. This is where […]

Key Elements of a Valid Will in Erie County, New York State

Key Elements of a Valid Will in Erie County, New York State

In Erie County, New York State, as in many other jurisdictions, the creation and execution of a valid will is a fundamental aspect of estate planning. A will is a legal document that outlines how an individual’s assets and property should be distributed after their passing. To ensure your final wishes are carried out smoothly, […]

Family Dynasty Trusts in Tonawanda: Preserving Wealth for Future Generations

Family Dynasty Trusts in Tonawanda: Preserving Wealth for Future Generations

In the pursuit of safeguarding wealth for generations to come, families often seek strategic avenues that ensure the longevity of their financial legacies. One such avenue gaining traction is the utilization of Family Dynasty Trusts. These specialized trusts offer a remarkable solution for Tonawanda families looking to protect their wealth while simultaneously fostering a legacy […]