Category Archives: Workers’ Compensation

Introduction to Workers’ Compensation Laws in New York State

Introduction to Workers' Compensation Laws in New York State

Understanding the intricacies of workers’ compensation laws in New York is crucial for both employees and employers. These laws are designed to protect workers who suffer injuries or illnesses due to their job while ensuring that employers can manage the financial impact of such incidents. Workers’ compensation serves as a safety net, offering financial assistance […]

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Workers’ Compensation Claims in New York

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Workers' Compensation Claims in New York

The intricacies of workers’ compensation claims in New York require a thorough understanding of the statute of limitations, a critical legal framework that dictates the time frame within which an injured worker must file a claim. The statute of limitations serves as a gatekeeper, ensuring that claims are brought forth within a reasonable period, thereby […]

Overview of New York Workers’ Compensation Laws and Regulations

New York Workers' Compensation Laws and Regulation

Navigating the complex landscape of workers’ compensation laws in New York can be daunting for employers and employees alike. Understanding your rights and responsibilities under these regulations is crucial for fair treatment in cases of workplace injuries or illnesses. At Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C., we focus on providing comprehensive legal guidance to […]

Workers’ Compensation in New York

Workers’ Compensation in New York

Every year, millions of workers face injuries or illnesses in the workplace across the United States. New York State alone accounts for roughly 140,000 work-related injuries and illnesses annually. In such cases, understanding the nuances of workers’ compensation becomes paramount. At Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C., we provide comprehensive insights into the workers’ […]

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Settlements for Lower Back Injuries

Understanding Workers' Compensation Settlements for Lower Back Injuries

Lower back injuries sustained in the workplace can have significant ramifications, both physically and financially. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), over a million people suffer from work-related back injuries annually in the United States. Fortunately, most of these individuals are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, which serve to provide financial assistance for […]

Negotiating a Fair Workers’ Comp Settlement in New York

Negotiating a Fair Workers' Comp Settlement in New York

In the bustling metropolis of New York, the workforce is the heartbeat of the city, fueling its industries and driving its economy. Yet, the reality is that workplace accidents can happen, leaving employees grappling with injuries and the aftermath of unexpected events. Navigating the intricacies of the workers’ compensation system in New York can be […]

Third-Party Liability: When Someone Else is Responsible for Your Injury in Niagara County, NY

Third-Party Liability When Someone Else is Responsible for Your Injury in Niagara County NY

Accidents happen, and when they do, the consequences can be severe. In Niagara County, NY, personal injuries can occur in various situations, ranging from car accidents and workplace incidents to slip and falls. While some injuries may be a result of one’s own actions, others can be attributed to the negligence or misconduct of a […]

Traveling Employees and Workers’ Compensation Coverage in Buffalo, NY

Traveling Employees and Workers' Compensation Coverage in Buffalo NY

In the bustling city of Buffalo, New York, where businesses thrive and the workforce is constantly on the move, the concept of traveling employees and workers’ compensation coverage becomes paramount. Employers must navigate a complex landscape to ensure the well-being of their staff while complying with the legal obligations set forth by the state. At […]

Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions in Batavia, NY: Coverage Under Workers’ Comp

Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions in Batavia, NY: Coverage Under Workers' Comp

In the intricate landscape of workers’ compensation, the implications of pre-existing conditions add an additional layer of complexity. Employees in Batavia, NY, may find themselves navigating the legal nuances surrounding the aggravation of pre-existing conditions while seeking coverage under workers’ compensation. Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C., stands as a beacon of legal experience, […]

Employer Retaliation: Your Rights After Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim in East Aurora, NY

Employer Retaliation: Your Rights After Filing a Workers' Comp Claim in East Aurora, NY

Workers’ compensation claims are essential for employees injured on the job to receive necessary benefits and medical care. However, the process can sometimes lead to concerns about potential employer retaliation. Understanding your rights in East Aurora, NY, after filing a workers’ comp claim is crucial to protect yourself from any form of retaliatory actions. The […]