Even though you may have already heard, it is still good to remind everyone: the tax filing deadline was pushed back to July 15 this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Typically, the normal deadline is April 15. If you haven’t started your taxes, you still have three months to submit it. In the meantime, we are still available to help with any legal services you might need, such as bankruptcy, debt relief, or problems with the IRS.
As we move through this new coronavirus crisis together, our law office will remain fully operational. All matters, for the time being, can be handled over the phone, video conference, live chat and via email. Please contact our office if you need any help.
Dealing with the IRS
Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service or the New York State Tax Commission can be a difficult process for most people. Not only are the laws and issues often incomprehensible, but the bureaucracy can be overwhelming as well. Confronting these without the assistance our experienced Buffalo tax lawyers could be disastrous.
Facing a tax controversy will be stressful, especially since the penalties and interest may continue to add up for every day you are unable to resolve it. Add the fact that many tax issues arrive completely out of the blue and you had no idea you were doing anything wrong to begin with, and you have yourself a legal problem that requires immediate and decisive legal assistance.
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That’s where the experienced tax professionals at Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner, & Gambino, P.C., come in. We understand how the IRS and New York State Department of Taxation and Finance work. We have in-depth understanding of the tax laws and legal processes. As a result, we can effectively resolve your tax controversy issue as quickly and realistically as possible and provide you with the tax guidance you need to comply with the tax requirements in your personal and professional life.