Category Archives: Divorce

Dividing Benefits After a Divorce

Dividing Benefits After a Divorce

Dividing Benefits After a Divorce Dividing benefits after a divorce is a common concern, especially when it comes to dividing retirement benefits, military benefits, and other types of pensions. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated New York divorce lawyers today. Let our experience work for you. Dividing Benefits After a Divorce | […]

Calculating Child Support

Calculating Child Support

Calculating Child Support When a couple gets divorced with children, one of the parents is ordered by the courts to pay child support. There are a variety of different factors the courts will look at when calculating child support payments. An experienced Buffalo child support lawyer will be able to negotiate a fair deal that […]

Getting Started with Divorce

Getting Started with Divorce

Getting Started with Divorce If you are getting started with divorce, you might be wondering what to do. You might consider calling one of our highly experienced attorneys. Here is what you need to know. Getting Started with Divorce | Where to Get a Divorce A large number of divorces occur in court. The New […]

Dividing Retirement Plans

Dividing Retirement Plans Buffalo Divorce Lawyer Family Law Attorney

If you are going through a divorce, you may be worried about dividing retirement plans between you and your spouse and if it considered equitable distribution. Here is what you need to know. Dividing Retirement Plans | What Am I Entitled To? Retirement plans are among the most difficult areas for my clients to wrap […]

Spousal Maintenance Concerns

Spousal Maintenance Concerns Buffalo Divorce Lawyers

Spousal Maintenance Concerns If you are going through divorce, you may be worried about how you are going to manage this financially. You might have heard about alimony or spousal maintenance and are wondering what exactly, if anything, you will have to pay after the divorce. Here are some common spousal maintenance concerns. Spousal Maintenance […]

Child Custody in Non-Divorce Cases

Child Custody in Non-Divorce Cases

The institution of marriage offers an array of legal and personal benefits to both partners and any children that they may have, but many couples may prefer to not marry for a variety of personal reasons. This is a legitimate choice, but when children are involved, the issue of child custody becomes more complicated if […]

Child Custody in New York

Child Custody in New York

The issue of child custody is a contentious one, as both parents going through a divorce tend to want to maintain significant contact with their children. Unlike assets such as finances and some marital property, children cannot be split in half, and this can present a problem in more acrimonious divorces. New York State strives […]