The institution of marriage offers an array of legal and personal benefits to both partners and any children that they may have, but many couples may prefer to not marry for a variety of personal reasons. This is a legitimate choice, but when children are involved, the issue of child custody becomes more complicated if the two partners are living separately and both want parenting time. Fortunately, the laws governing child custody for unmarried parents differ little from those for married and divorced couples. Buffalo family law attorney Donna L. Haslinger reviews in the video below the legal rights that unmarried parents can implement in their child custody in non-divorce cases.
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Child Custody in Non-Divorce Cases
Our office often receives calls from people who have children but are not married, and they would like to know their rights with regard to custody of their child or children. The rights of an unmarried couple are basically the same as those for a married couple. These cases, however, are usually held in family court, which has jurisdiction of custody cases regarding children of non-married parents.
If you have questions about how child custody for unmarried parents is handled in New York, contact our Buffalo family law attorneys for dedicated representation. Download Our Free Family Law Guide
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