Category Archives: Child Custody

New York Child Custody Laws

New York Child Custody Laws

New York Child Custody Laws When a married couple with children obtains a divorce, one of the more complicated and contested parts of the divorce process is often child custody. You will need an experienced attorney to handle what often can be a contentious situation. Here is some important information about New York child custody laws. New York […]

Visitation Schedule Decision

Visitation Schedule Decision Buffalo Child Custody Lawyers Attorney

When going through a divorce, you may be feeling sad about creating a visitation schedule. It can be a difficult decision to make with your spouse. Ideally, the parents will agree on a visitation schedule. When this isn’t possible, a judge will decide the visitation schedule (and any rules, if needed). The process in which courts […]

Joint Custody Concerns

Joint Custody Concerns Buffalo Divorce Attorneys Lawyers

Joint Custody Concerns If you are seeking joint custody, you may be wondering how you are going to work it out? With the assistance of an experienced attorney, you can navigate the process and ease your joint custody concerns. Joint Custody Concerns: Do I Have to Pay Child Support If I Have Joint Custody? If […]

Joint Custody Schedules

Joint Custody Schedules Family Law Attorney in Buffalo, NY

Schooldays vs. weekends. Holidays only. Every other weekend. Alternating weeks. These are but a few of the many possible joint custody schedules that two parents can decide to implement. Ultimately, custody is based on what is in the best interests of the children, and joint custody may not result in a perfectly even split between […]

Child Custody in Non-Divorce Cases

Child Custody in Non-Divorce Cases

The institution of marriage offers an array of legal and personal benefits to both partners and any children that they may have, but many couples may prefer to not marry for a variety of personal reasons. This is a legitimate choice, but when children are involved, the issue of child custody becomes more complicated if […]

Child Custody in New York

Child Custody in New York

The issue of child custody is a contentious one, as both parents going through a divorce tend to want to maintain significant contact with their children. Unlike assets such as finances and some marital property, children cannot be split in half, and this can present a problem in more acrimonious divorces. New York State strives […]