Category Archives: Buffalo Attorneys Legal Blog
Were you hurt and have questions about medicinal marijuana? Read these 5 things to learn about your medical marijuana claim, then call us. 1. New York Medical Marijuana Program New York State recently followed other states in implementing a medical marijuana system, where a doctor can prescribe medical marijuana for various reasons. New York State […]
Do you have questions about how to win your family law claim? Check out our articles for guidance, then contact our Buffalo attorneys today! Parenting Time and Access Most people’s biggest worries in divorce are about when they will see their children. Whether you share joint custody or one parent has sole custody, there will […]
Did you get injured at work and need legal help? Read our 5 workers’ comp tips that may help your case, then contact our Buffalo attorneys. 1) Scheduled Loss Workers’ compensation contemplates two types of injuries – schedulable injuries and non-schedulable injuries. Schedulable injuries affect the toes, feet, legs, fingers, hands, arms, eyes and ears. […]
Did you get hurt at work and are seeking legal assistance for workers’ comp? Contact our Buffalo workers’ comp lawyer to get started today! Getting injured at work is stressful and can interfere with your ability to do your job. The loss of income that results can be financially devastating to both an employee and […]
If you have questions about QDRO during divorce, read our commonly asked QDRO questions that have been answered. Then, give us a call today! What is a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO)? A qualified domestic relations order may be required as a couple divides their retirement assets. After a divorce is complete, your agreement or […]
Are you looking to start the divorce process and have questions about what to do when filing for divorce? Contact our Buffalo attorneys today! 1) Choose the Right Lawyer In selecting the attorney who will represent you, interview more than one potential candidate and choose the one whose approach matches your needs. It is important […]